Birchwood is home to two popular chains of lakes, the Birchwood Chain of Lakes and Red Cedar Chain of Lakes.
The Birch Lake chain offers deep water for walleye fishing and Big Chetac Lake, a 1,920 acre lake with a great population of bass and Birchwood’s famous panfish, the Bluegill! The Birch Lake chain is also home to the popular Doolittle Park, which offers a playground, swimming area, picnic pavilion, boat landing and even campsites!
If you travel to the Red Cedar Lake chain, you’ll find more deep water fishing, where you can catch Walleye, Bluegill, Bass, Perch and other panfish. All chains are connected by a creek, but you can’t actually travel between them.

Big Chetac Lake has its beginning in Edgewater flowing south to The Narrows near Birchwood with 1,920 acres of northern pike, walleye, bass and panfish. Maximum depth is 28' and averages 12-18". Motor trolling is permitted. Big Chetac Lake spreads out into slough like areas favored by bass and other predator fish. Weed beds provide cover for large schools of panfish, always a favorite in the frying pan. Big Chetac Lake still maintains a northern ambience, with a feeling of uncrowded freedom. Fall and winter fishing is also popular.

Red Cedar Lake rivals Big Chetac Lake in size (1,841 acres) but is considerably deeper (53 feet maximum) and more varied in structure. Many a walleye fisherman has spent years studying Red Cedar, always coming away with a sense that there's still more out there... more bars, ridges and shoreline to explore. Walleye, perch, bluegill, crappie, northern and bass move freely between Balsam, Red Cedar and Hemlock Lakes.

Big Birch is significantly smaller than Big Chetac but offers unique differences. Its 368 acres contain deeper water (73' max. vs. 24' mean depth) and more structure (bars and drop-offs) for that most elusive game fish - the walleye. At the southern end of Big Birch Lake is the popular Village-run Doolittle Park , with swimming, lakeside camping, RV hookups and a boat landing.
Little Birch is the impoundment of water just prior to the Birch Lake Dam. Fishermen like Little Birch for its shoreline, good for bass and panfish.

The Spider Lake Chain consists of five lakes totaling approximately 300 acres and total linear distance of 3 1/2 miles. The Spider Lake area is unique in its lack of development (most of the surrounding land is county-owned). There is a generous dose of wilderness here. A small boat or canoe is the best way to fish these lakes. Shallow channels connect them and over a dozen islands provide structure. The irregular shoreline gives these lakes their "spidery" appearance. Northerns, largemouth bass, crappies and bluegills are the main fare.

Long Lake in Washburn County is clear and deep. Its 3,290 acres is advertised as the "walleye capital of Wisconsin" but northern, bass and numerous panfish and cisco populate its waters. A mean depth of 26' (max 74') and its almost 100 miles of shoreline also make Long Lake ideal for sailing. There are five public landings from which to launch your boat.

"Beautiful, A Quiet Area, Lots Of Trees. Fishing Is Great On Some Days." - Steve, Minneapolis
"Great open water lakes and great for catching walleye, bass, and panfish if you know where to go. Good for recreational activities, but not a sandy bottom lake in most places." - Kevin, Madison
"Great place to take kids, action all day, they never get bored. " - Paul, Winnebago